Creative Works

Creative Work 


 Favourite Piece of Creative Work

This collection of images were taken by myself, and I used it for my alternative entry portfolio for my course, and I am quite proud of this piece, as it encapsualtes my desire to sit back and appreciate the beauty of life and its moments.
Favourite architectural structure

 I really admire this project, having worked for the company that designed it (HSA) I just appreciate the curved roof that centres the view and works with it extensively to encapsulate the landscapes beauty. 
Favourite original photograph 

I took this photo some time ago, but again I admire the stillness of time in this image, as the sun sets and reflects against the water, it's one of my best photos. 

Companies and Words of Choice

CJHendry:                               Gucci 
Adjective:Eccentric                 Adjective: Extravagant
Noun:Shoe                             Noun:Sweater 
Verb: Simplify                         Verb: Flaunt


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