EXP 3 - Theory


Being a computational design school, a recurring theme of modern computational architecture is this theme of "Parametricsim" so my idea behind this project was to highlight parametric features which basically include fragmentation within my project. I want to create a landscape that still adheres to modernist aesthetics yet entails touches of "Parametricism." I want to make this building more in sync with its environment I guess, creating an aesthetic that represents elegance within a very nature infested landscape. A building that highlights the beauty of simple raw materials, yet pertaining a nature in which still represents a man made structure, much like  a treehouse. I also want it to glorify the the beauty of it's landscape making complete opportunity of the surrounding views, revealing a concrete jungle above the trees. I want this as I feel as we as society are surrounded by constant rapid change creating this advanced growth in building development and technology, which is in my opinion a beautiful thing, and therefore combining the beauty of nature and man-made materials, contrasts the two and the beauty can be seen within both more prominently. 


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