
Showing posts from March, 2018

EXP 1 - 3 Images and Words

Gucci: Words: Adjective:Extravagent Verb:Flaunt Noun:Sweater CJHendry: Words: Adjective:Eccentric Verb:Simplify Noun: Shoe Revival Cycles: Words: Adjective: Rustic Verb: Rejuvenate Noun: Spokes

EX1 SketchUp Stairs

Sketchup Stairs Displayed Below are the sections of stair ideas and the final chosen stair design Final Modeled  Stairs

EXP 1 Animations

SketchUp animations from 3 perspectives Exterior Perspective Animation  Interior Perspective Animation  Section Perspective Animation

EXP 1 Final SketchUp Model

Final SketchUp Model Displayed below area series of images, of my final Sketchup Model: Final Design  Original Section  Final SketchUp Model from section Viewpoint Images from multiple viewpoints of the interior and exterior

EXP 1 36 Custom Textures

36 Custom Textures   Displayed Below are 36 custom textures adapted to the words and level they are placed on: 

EXP 1 Work Progress

Sketch-Up Progress The following are SketchUp draft models, that were created throughout the weeks within the  progression of this assessment. Model 1 Model 2 These included my first modeled stairs, but as displayed a very basic and boring design.  Model 3 This ended up being the basic final design, along with some additional detailed adjustments. 

EXP 1 18 Sections

Displayed are the 18 sections I have created, for possible design schemes for EXP 1 generated through creating various shapes and material patterns that share a similarity with the words displayed: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Week 1 Post 2

Homework Task Week 1 The following are two images of the 3-D Sketch-up model inspired by one or more of the textures I had drawn during the week 1 tutorial.  Flaunt the Eccentricity   The Sketch-up model is mainly based of the eye ball texture, but it features the wood panelling design behind the eyeball model   Sketch-up make basic model

Creative Works

Creative Work  Inspiration    Favourite Piece of Creative Work This collection of images were taken by myself, and I used it for my alternative entry portfolio for my course, and I am quite proud of this piece, as it encapsualtes my desire to sit back and appreciate the beauty of life and its moments. Favourite architectural structure  I really admire this project, having worked for the company that designed it (HSA) I just appreciate the curved roof that centres the view and works with it extensively to encapsulate the landscapes beauty.  Favourite original photograph  I took this photo some time ago, but again I admire the stillness of time in this image, as the sun sets and reflects against the water, it's one of my best photos.  Companies and Words of Choice CJHendry:                                 Gucci  ...